Weekly Performance Update for BTC, BCH, ETH, TRX, USDT, and XRP

Weekly Performance Update for BTC, BCH, ETH, TRX, USDT, and XRP

The cryptos were able to pick up. On Monday 14th, about 79 of the top 100 increased in value including BTC, BCH, ETH, TRX, USDT, and XRP.

The next day showed up with the top 100 cryptos recording loss within 24 hours. BTC which traded at a range above $ 3,650 the previous day went lower, trading at $ 3628.67, losing by almost 2 percent. BCH was the worst hit, going low by 7.36 percent at $ 123.15 trading price, followed by ETH which went low by $ 6.27 percent, trading at $ 120.97. XRP and TRX also traded low.

The price is in the condition of the market.

Majority of the top ten which includes BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, TRX, and USDT grew by over 4%. BCH which increased the previous day by 6.64 percent, BTC increased by .79% against -1.82% previous loss, ETH and the other three were also in the green.

Bitcoin's trading volume increased from around $ 4.3 billion to $ 5 billion, the reason being that many dorms were reactivated during the week. BTC, ETH and XRP all grew together.

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The curves again took a downward movement as prices went down between 17th and 18th with only a few cryptos showing green sign. 19th century saw the majority of the cryptos in green again.

Saturday 19th showed better performance, with 92 out of the 100 in green. BTC traded at $ 3,743 growing at over 5 percent in 24 hours with a market cap of $ 65.4 billion.

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Ripple's XRP was at $ 0.330 trade, growing at 1.14% on 24 hours with market cap reaching $ 13.5 billion. ETH traded at $ 124 growing 2.53 percent, the market cap was $ 13 million, BCH, and TRX traded at $ 130 and $ 0.024 respectively with 1 percent and 2 percent growth. , Trading at $ 1 losing only 0.01 percent, the market cap went down to $ 2 billion.

This analysis shows that ETH, BTC, XRP are maintained at steady flow than the other three.

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