“We do not regret anything”: PS5 retailers react to the storm of shit from fans


Is there no time now?

A dealer network, which had taken over 3,500 of the rare PS5 consoles, has now reacted to the crap storm of empty Playstation 5 fans. You have nothing to blame, he said.

With the official start of sales, the Playstation 5 was sold out. Only a short time later, thousands of coveted consoles appeared on the online markets and were sold there at inflated prices. When it became known that some so-called scalper robots had used it in order to rip consoles out from under the noses of honest interested, a real storm of shit swept over many retailers. UK retailer group Crepchiefnotify has now spoken.

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Reseller: with Playstation 5 bots

According to media reports, the retailer community would be made up of thousands of members who are said to have bypassed the queues with bots to buy PS5 consoles on a large scale and make a profit as a result. The group, for which twelve employees are expected to work, charges a £ 30 membership fee and should therefore support retailers in selling goods. Crepchiefnotify doesn’t want to let the many negative comments accumulated on their respective platforms sit on them.

“We have no regrets” concludes a statement from the group posted on Facebook. As a result, the members would not have used bots, but – let’s face it in large numbers – they took over a total of nearly 3,500 consoles. Crepchiefnotify had informed its members in advance and pointed out the great profit potential. But: For many of the members, resale – including the Playstation 5 – is currently the only source of income as they have become unemployed due to the crown crisis.

Crocodile tears or true claims?

Obviously it is difficult to verify if this is true. A Facebook user, for example, asks how the unemployed could finance the purchase of the Playstation 5 upfront. It is not possible to verify that none of the members of the network of retailers actually used the bots. The pressure on the lacrimal gland is a bit strained due to criticism from angry Playstation 5 fans when Crepchiefnotify writes: “It may be regrettable that one child doesn’t wake up with a PS5 at Christmas, but another child may have woken up with nothing. “.

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