“We are at the height of despair, no one has an understanding for us!”


The Scandinavian national team has been blocked at the airport upon take off in Bucharest due to a ban by the Ministry of Health in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.

Norway had already canceled the friendly with Israel this week, but the current decision has outraged the Nordic team’s players.

The three captains Stefan Johansen, Joshua King and Martin Ødegaard signed a letter of protest.

“All the players are in despair after the authorities refused to allow us to go to the two decisive games of the League of Nations with Romania and Austria.

I was at the airport, the plane was ready and in an hour we had to take off when the message arrived.

We strictly followed the UEFA protocol: we also performed tests on arrival in Norway and 5 other tests in the field “, is shown in the declaration.

The Norwegians explain the stakes of the matches with Romania and Austria

The players have ensured that they have been isolated in the hotel and respect the social distance, and the flight is carried out on a charter in which 39 people board a 139-seat plane.

And the captains underlined the stakes of these matches: the first place in the standings would favor a draw with accessible opponents in the preliminaries of the world championship.

“The Norwegian authorities allow you to travel by airliner where there is a risk of infection, but they prohibit the rental! Officials have accepted the UEFA protocol, but apply the law differently: 43 official matches have been played recently, none of which it has been canceled.

If we don’t play with Romania and Austria, our ambitions will suffer. But we see that there is too little understanding for our situation. However, we hope to receive the green light because we are proud to represent our country“, Was the message of the leaders of the Norwegian national team.


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