Water softened with honey to eliminate the rumen


Mixing honey with water and drinking it on an empty stomach in the morning can help you lose weight and thus get rid of the rumen, so why? What are the conditions that must be followed for this method to bear fruit and the body to lose the extra kilograms?

The secret is in the water, as many studies have shown that increasing drinking water can boost a person’s metabolism and make him feel full, which helps in losing weight.

Additionally, keeping your body hydrated and protecting it from dehydration helps maintain a healthy weight. Conversely, dehydrated people are more likely to be overweight or obese than people who have been adequately hydrated.

Also, drinking honey water before meals can help you feel full. This leads to a decrease in the amount of food a person eats at the next meal and therefore in the total calories.


Replacing water, lemon, and honey with sugary, high-calorie soft drinks and other sugary drinks could reduce calories and sugar.

For example, a cup of sweetened soda (250 milliliters) contains about 96 calories and about 25 grams of sugar.

Conversely, the same amount of sugar water with a teaspoon of honey contains about 21 calories and about 6 grams of sugar.

According to a report by the Deutsche Welle, some studies have indicated that the consumption of honey, even in small quantities, gives a feeling of satiety. Therefore, doctors recommend dissolving a spoonful of honey in water and drinking it daily for those wishing to lose weight, as honey controls the areas of the brain that stimulate the sensation of sugar craving, Deutsche Welle cited by a website that deals with health and nutrition.

An energy replacement drink

The Deutsche Welle report states that the market offers many drinks which it calls “energy drinks”; But in reality it is not without harmful substances. Honey is one of the best energy drinks. Honey diluted with water contains many beneficial nutrients, and consuming it in the morning provides the body with energy throughout the day.

It is recommended to drink honey diluted with water in the morning before breakfast as a source of energy and water.

But we warn you of the following to take advantage of the sugared water with honey for weight loss:

  • Don’t overdo the honey, just put a teaspoon of honey in the cup for once.
  • Cut calories from other foods.
  • Brush your teeth; Because honey is high in sugar, which is a major cause of tooth decay.

Components of honey

Honey consists mainly of carbohydrates in the form of fructose and glucose, with a load of some vitamins and minerals.

One gram of honey contains 3 calories and one tablespoon (15 milliliters) contains 64 calories.

There are chemicals in honey that can kill some types of bacteria and fungi and when honey is applied to the skin, it acts as a layer to insulate moisture. Honey can also provide nutrients that can help speed up wound healing.

On the other hand, honey may contain spores of “Clostridium botulinum” bacteria, which cause food poisoning in infants, and therefore it is forbidden to eat it for children under one year of age.

Potential uses and benefits:

  • Rich in sugars, it is therefore a good source of energy during intense physical activities or sports.
  • According to scientific studies, honey-based preparations can help heal burns and wounds.
  • Eating a small amount of honey before bed can help treat coughs in children over the age of two.
  • It can help reduce the risk of “mucositis” from radiotherapy in patients receiving this treatment.

Its use for previous cases should not replace medical treatment and should be under the supervision of a physician.

When used as a wound or burn dressing, “medical honey” should be used, which has been sterilized with radiation to ensure that it is free of Clostridium spores.


  • It is forbidden to hire children under the age of one year. Because honey can contain clostridium spores, which can lead to food poisoning. After the age of one year, the digestive system has developed sufficiently to be able to destroy the bacterial spores.
  • It increases blood sugar and should be taken with caution by diabetics and deducted from dietary carbohydrate rations (one tablespoon of honey equals one serving of carbohydrates).
  • Honey is very rich in sugar; Therefore, it leads to tooth decay and care must be taken to brush your teeth with the paste after eating it.

source : Al Jazeera + Deutsche Welle + websites


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