Watch Karim Abdel Aziz reveal for the first time the details of a health crisis that nearly killed him


Star Karim Abdel Aziz revealed, for the first time, the details of his lung clots, and his doctor expected his death within days, confirming that he requested to change them and remained in intensive care for 60 days, and it was found that the clots were due to “heavy smoking” noting that he had abstained from drinking cigarettes for a year and a half but returned to smoking due to artistic pressure.

Karim Abdulaziz
Karim Abdel Aziz revealed details of his illness to Lafa Al Kilani

Karim told the influential story during his encounter with the “Al-Sirah” media program, Wafaa Al-Kilani, which airs on the channel. DMC Pointing out that he was traveling with his mother for treatment in March 2011, and while he was with her, he felt a “twinge” in his chest and his wife told him we had to X-rays, and he went to the hospital, did the X-rays and went out.

He added: The next day my wife talked to me and told me that the hospital spoke to her and she wanted me to leave it is necessary, the important thing is that I went to meet the doctor and she suddenly told me you’re about to die and have 12 lung shots, and I decided to escape the hospital for the sake of my children. I am imprisoned and spent 60 days in intensive care.

And Karim Abdel Aziz went on to say: After being in the hospital for 25 days, I cannot continue with the doctor who was expecting my death and told them that I wanted to go to another hospital and I wrote a promise to myself.

He continued: I was a very heavy smoker, tea and coffee, and all my friends talked to me at the time, Ahmed Jalal, Al-Saqa, Ahmed Helmy and Mona Zaki, all frank, and my mother broke down when I learned the news and my wife too, and I preferred to smoke for a year and a half, but sadly she came back again due to the nature of our work.

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