Warner Bros. decision to radically change the world of cinema


Another blow to cinemas, which were having a hard time due to the Covid 19 epidemic, came from Warner Bro., One of the largest production companies in Hollywood!
Warner Bros. recently announced that it will release Wonder Woman-1984, one of the most anticipated films of the year, on the HBO Max digital platform instead of in theaters at Christmas.

The giant production house announced its decision to fundamentally change the world of cinema today. Warner Bros. 17 films, including highly anticipated productions like ‘Dune’, ‘The Matrix 4’, ‘Godzilla vs Kong’, ‘Suicide Suquad 2’, ‘The Many Saints of Newark’, due out in 2021, will be on HBO Max at the same time as the cinemas announced that it will meet the public.

Many authorities say the Warner Bros. decision will put an end to theaters. Warner Bros. Officials say they know new movies are the lifeblood of theaters, but when they think many theaters will run at half capacity in 2021, they made this decision to balance the situation: “We wanted to create an opportunity for lovers. of cinema who are not yet ready to return to cinemas to see our films in 2021. “

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