War on justice. Leonor Poeiras takes TVI to court after being expelled with one hand in front and the other in back – Nacional


Leonor Poeiras has ceased to be part of TVI’s range of presenters, overnight, after disagreements with the current management. The presenter spent more than a decade in the service of Media Capital, or rather, 17 years, but she had a precarious contract, that is, she received only when she was called to a program.

The presenter has repeatedly regretted what happened. TVI guarantees that it tried to give you alternatives but these alternatives were not accepted and that is why the relationship broke down. Now, without a television project and without an invitation on the horizon, Poeiras will proceed to court. “I can tell you that during this summer and for various reasons, for TVI and all, I was left with immense doubts about my rights [laborais] and I went to study. I went to look for a lawyer, Dr. Garcia Pereira, and obviously I had a very long conversation with him on labor law in which I discovered so many things and together we decided to go ahead with the case “, Leonor Poeiras revealed on social media. The presenter still had some I hope that with the arrival of Cristina Ferreira at TVI his situation could have changed, as happened with Ruben Rua, who was also fired but that Cristina saved, or that some invitations from the “competition” had arrived. , which appears not to have happened.

However, Leonor Poeiras switched to the internet and created a podcast.


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