Vitiligo is treated with natural remedies


Vitiligo is a skin disease characterized by the depigmentation of the cells that make up the body’s tissues. Therefore, some regions of the body such as the hands, abdomen, face or neck are covered with bright spots.

Vitiligo is a chronic condition developed as a result of autoimmune diseases through the total or partial destruction of melanin. Although the causes are often unknown, the immune system no longer recognizes its own cells and attacks them.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

It is important to know that this condition is not hereditary and is not contagious.

One factor that causes this imbalance in the body is obviously stress, mental overwork, sunburn or other trauma to the skin.

The presence of another autoimmune disease (thyroid hashimoto, diabetes, lupus, psoriasis) in the body can cause depigmentation.

People who are affected by this disease should avoid sunlight.

The spots appear isolated, symmetrical on both sides of the body or asymmetrical, they can affect both the retina and the genital area, the neck, elbows, knees, mouth or both inside and outside.

The evolution of these points is unknown, it can be sudden or slow.


People with this disease need emotional support, because it affects their self-esteem and self-confidence, it can cause depression.

These remedies slow down the evolution of the disease!

Certain foods can help you fight the negative effects of the disease. Put some Psoralea Corylifolia seeds in the ginger juice for 3 days. Then remove the seeds of Psoralea Corylifolia and let them dry after which you have to grind them and drink a glass of milk in acres every day for 2 months to add 1 gram of this remedy.

Also with Psoralea Corylifolia you can prepare a lotion in which you can also add black cumin, devil’s root and coconut oil. You have to apply the remedy on the affected areas daily for 6 months and you will see the difference.

Drink ginger juice, as the only treatment method or in combination with red clay. If you opt for ginger juice only, you should take this remedy twice a day. If you combine ginger with red clay, you need to apply the paste to damaged skin. Consume foods rich in folic acid and vitamin B12. Make a mixture of marigold flowers, chamomile flowers, St. John’s wort root, and oregano. Drink 1 cup of this mixture twice a day.

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