Virgo horoscope – Friday 27 November 2020 | Horoscopes of the Virgin


Taurus in regency and you to the good vibes. It means that you would undoubtedly have thought about getting out of bad times through a series of sales and purchases. This is why you have the wisdom on your side so that nothing clouds your day.

Take care of your words a little more, they might be a little off-putting for someone who truly values ​​you. Now is a good time to think before saying something potentially devastating.

It is a day full of contrasts in your emotions. But they could be contrasted with the moon in regency.

Forecast for the day: The response of a depressed person is variable, they say at this moment, because perhaps you could have an experience in which they ask you to help them.

You may not know exactly what to do at the moment. But have more security in you the one with the trine between Mercury and Neptune. You would work miracles with your energy.

Some gossip would have resonated in your energy, where perhaps, you need to be much more consistent with someone who hasn’t had much empathy with you before.

In other words, you have common sense. Seeing a person in unpleasant conditions would fill you with vulnerability so that you leave the rough edges behind and forgive you to move on.


It’s a day where you would release toxins through the heat of a belt or a lot of abdominal exercises. You would have thought about using it before when viewing commercial products, but recently a trusted person would make you feel like they work. Consider them with caution.

It’s time for the six in regency to go out of their way to put things in full swing without hesitation. It’s a good day, the magic of your economy would be fine, because now, better than ever, you have everything at your disposal to get out of the crisis.

It is a day when you may find a disaster in your work, but you don’t realize that you would not have found the solution. On the contrary, you have everything at your disposal, so that you can find the strength that gives you the opportunity to put everything in order. With Taurus in the regency, it would be much better.


Torque forecast for today Friday
If you are in couple: let your partner work out on their own.
If you are single: it is better to feel good energy with love, so that it comes soon.
Sexual energy level: Moderate.

Love: Aries or fire signs.
Friendship: Libra or air signs.
Hard and tiring work: Aquarius or air signs.

Tolerance level: Moderate.
Who you might get in tension with: stay away from a Scorpio.


Ritual for the prosperity of a company

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