Video / They cried! This was the reconciliation of Will Smith and ‘Aunt Vivian’


Both actors ended the public enmity they have maintained for 27 years.


On Thursday, November 19, HBO Max aired the long-awaited reunion of Will Smith and the actors of The Prince of Bel Air, organized for the 30th anniversary of the popular TV series of the 90s.

And as expected, the program was loaded with many exciting moments. But undoubtedly, what sparked the most emotion was the “ceasefire” staged by Will Smith and Janet Hubert, after 27 years of public enmity through the media.

To understand the meaning of this unexpected reconciliation, we need to go back to the end of the third season, when the actress who played Aunt Vivian left the series and was replaced in her role by Daphne Reid. Then, Hubert accused Smith of putting pressure on those responsible for NBC, the network that broadcasts the series, to force her to leave. And over the years, the artist’s attacks on Smith have been continuous, making her, in the public eye, the number 1 enemy of the Hollywood star.

But the HBO Max reunion served to clear things up and for the two actors to finally close their wounds and decide to bury the hatchet.

Hubert stated that the real reason why she decided not to continue the sitcom was that the contract she was offered was very poor and, at that point, she was going through a difficult personal time, with her husband being unemployed. And Smith, for his part, acknowledged that it could have made “things harder for Janet,” who ended up losing her reputation in the industry.

And on Friday 20-N, in the program conducted by Jada Pinkett-Smith, the actor decided to share with Hubert some unpublished moments of his talk, in which one can appreciate the impact that the struggle has had on the private and public life of the actress.

Hard confessions

“I heard you hate me”, confessed the actor, to which she, on the verge of tears, replied: “I hated what you did. You took away a career of more than 30 years. You went too far when you were younger. and I know you’ve always wanted to win. “

Smith made no attempt to defend against this last comment. “I went too far,” he admitted, “and I said things to people who couldn’t keep quiet about that information.”

Hubert, who lamented that the whole conflict had turned into a “30-year sentence” for her, also described some of the humiliations she and her family suffered from the actor’s fans: “They beat my son and me. they shouted outrage. People sent me hateful messages on Instagram: “Aren’t you dead yet?” I want Will. Why don’t you die? “It was hard.”

The confidences they exchanged ended up causing them, at a certain point in the special, to briefly leave the set to take a break. And Smith himself couldn’t help but cry at some point.

Luckily, as can be seen in the material that aired on HBO Max, the conciliation ended warmly. “I couldn’t organize a thirtieth anniversary of the series and not celebrate your contribution to the show and my life,” admitted the actor. And Hubert assured that the speech had been “curative”, thus ending three decades of hostility forever.

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