[VIDEO] Gianluca Vacchi and his daughter are the protagonists of the first viral dance


Gianluca and his cow dogs
Instagram photo @gianlucavacchi

Gianluca Vacchi, an Italian entrepreneur with great influence on social media, shared a video on his Instagram account that he had uploaded to TikTok, the first dance he did with his daughter Blu Jerusalema.

Adapting his networking activity to his new life as a father, the Italian shared a funny clip on November 18 that he recorded enjoying a walk with his baby.

In the video, Vacchi appears driving his daughter’s car and accompanied by her faithful pets. The dogs surround Vacchi, who starts dancing as he carries Blu Jerusalema.

“Walking with Blu Jerusalema we had our first dance,” wrote Vacchi in the description of the post.

The most loyal followers of the Italian influencer commented on the post, which reached almost one million likes. Thousands of emojis with heart-shaped eyes and sweet messages received by Vacchi on his account.

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