Very low number of influenza cases in Canada so far in November | The thread of the regions | News | The gallery


LIn the first week of November 2019, 60 people were hospitalized in Canada with influenza and 147 cases were laboratory confirmed. A year later, no province or territory in the country reported hospital admissions due to seasonal flu, and the laboratories only reported four cases.

For Dr. Gerald Evans, an infectious disease specialist at Queen’s University Faculty of Medicine in Ontario, there is no doubt that influenza transmission has been slowed this year by coronavirus neutralization measures such as physical removal, frequent washing of the flu. hands and face cover.

As hospitals must now admit patients with COVID-19, the minimal number of flu cases relieves medical teams.

The low prevalence of seasonal influenza in Canada reflects what happened during the recent winter in the countries of the southern hemisphere. Australia, New Zealand, Chile, and South Africa all reported a decline in the number of influenza cases from the previous winter.

Even though the flu season is still in its early stages in Canada, Dr Evans wouldn’t be surprised if the final data collection in the country reveals a similar trend to that seen in the Southern Hemisphere.

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