Vaccine against Covid-19: elderly, carers … who will be the priority?


Which populations will be vaccinated against Covid first? This Monday the High Authority for Health will make public its recommendations on this topic, which will serve as a working basis for the government’s vaccination policy. During a first reflection under the authority of Professor Elizabeth Bouvet, president of the HAS technical committee on vaccinations, three priority groups were defined.

These are in particular the non self-sufficient elderly, in particular assisted in nursing homes, because they are the most at risk of developing severe forms of Covid, as shown by the data on mortality of the first and last year. the second wave.

The other priorities are caregivers, in hospitals, in city medicine, but also in medical-social institutions. They are likely to transmit the disease to frail people if they are not vaccinated. Finally, the third risk group, that of people with a number of other diseases, such as diabetes, which make them vulnerable to the virus.

“These three groups have priority, it is undeniable. Now, it is not taken for granted that it is necessary to formally define an order of passage between one and the other, which would risk complicating things ”, explains a professor of medicine. One thing is certain, Emmanuel Macron made it clear on Tuesday that vaccination would not be “mandatory”. The question of the “acceptability” of vaccination remains central.

The president also hinted at setting up a “citizens’ collective”, without further details on its missions. On November 9, the Haute Autorité de santé organized a “public consultation on vaccination” in the context of Covid.

A number of health associations, users of the health and socio-medical sector have been invited to express their views on the best way to conduct this vaccination policy, in order not to make some mistakes of the past, especially during the campaign against influenza. H1N1, often seen as a failure. The consultation will close on Monday and the High Authority for Health will make a summary within a week.

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