Urgent | The fact that presidential health initiatives have been suspended in anticipation of the second Crown wave


Some media, websites and social media pages have circulated news about the interruption of presidential initiatives in the field of health in anticipation of the second wave of the Corona virus, and the Media Center of the Council of Ministers has contacted the Ministry of Health and Population , who denied these news, confirming that there is no validity to stop the presidential initiatives in the field of Health in anticipation of the second wave of Coronavirus, explaining the continuation of the presidential initiatives in the health field at full capacity, with full commitment to all preventive and precautionary measures to limit the spread of the Corona virus, allocating safe corridors in hospitals to protect patients and separate them from those infected by the virus, emphasizing the vital role These initiatives aim to improve the quality of medical services provided to citizens.

In a related context, the most prominent presidential initiatives in the health field are the initiative to end waiting lists and prevent the accumulation of other lists, which has continued to work despite the repercussions of the Coronavirus crisis, as approximately 517.3,000 surgeries were performed in 11 different specialties by the end of October 2020, in addition to the Eliminating Virus C and Detecting Noncommunicable Diseases initiative, which contributed to the early diagnosis of hepatitis C infection and noncommunicable diseases. communicable diseases (diabetes – hypertension – obesity) for approximately 57 Egyptian citizens and the provision of follow-up, evaluation and treatment services through treatment centers, AND reduce deaths from noncommunicable diseases, which account for approximately 70% of deaths in Egypt .

The President of the Republic’s initiative in support of Egyptian women’s health, which contributed to the early diagnosis of breast cancer for approximately 8.8 million women by the end of October 2020, was launched in all governorates of the Republic with clinical examination and detection of the disease and provision of free care, and the initiative also includes reproductive health awareness, family planning, healthy living and detection for noncommunicable diseases.

We ask all media and social media users to investigate the accuracy and objectivity in posting news and to communicate with relevant authorities to ensure before posting information that is not based on any fact and leads to confusion and anxiety among citizens, and to check any information or news circulating on this topic, refer to the official website of the ministry (mohp.gov.eg).

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