Urgent .. Health reveals the case of the students injured in the accident of a school bus in Giza


Today, Wednesday, the Ministry of Health and Population announced the injury of 17 students, including 3 injured to a driver and bus supervisors, following a road accident on a school bus in Giza Governorate.

Dr Khaled Mujahid, advisor to the Minister of Health and Population for Media Affairs and official spokesperson for the ministry, explained that, immediately after the accident, 8 equipped ambulances were paid and transported all the injured to Al hospital. Haram.

Mujahid revealed that all injuries ranged from bruises, abrasions and body fractures, and all were stable, with the exception of two cases in ICU, one of whom was a 6-year-old and the other was a bus supervisor. 35 years old, confirming that all the injured received the necessary treatment and care.

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