Urgent from the World Health Organization for Coronavirus patients


The World Health Organization has revealed severe symptoms of Coronavirus (Covid 19) that require immediate medical attention, saying, “If you develop any of the following symptoms, contact your health care provider or health facility and seek medical help immediately.” .

He explained that this list of symptoms is not an exhaustive list, but rather the most common symptoms of a serious illness, but you can have a serious illness indicated by other symptoms such as:
Chest pain
Inability to speak, move or confuse the mind
Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing

The most common symptoms:
Loss of sense of taste or smell
– temperature

Less common symptoms:
Aches and pains
– Burning throat
Redness and irritation of the eyes
Skin rash or discoloration of the fingers or toes

And the World Health Organization continued, addressing its citizens: “If you live in an area where malaria, dengue fever or other diseases are common and you exhibit any of the symptoms mentioned above, seek medical assistance immediately according to the instructions from local health authorities “.

The organization added, “Ongoing communication with the primary care provider following your case to make sure you continue to receive the routine care you need.”

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