UNICEF France now accepts donation in 9 major cryptocurrencies. After the success of “Game Chaingers” program that involved mining of Ethereum, the agency allows donation either directly in crypto or by mining for them.
UNICEF France goes crypto, now donate in 9 major cryptocurrencies
One of the biggest and most prominent humanitarian organization, The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has now gone crypto as well. For now, UNICEF France is currently accepting donations in nine of the major cryptocurrencies.
“Today, we always take the same people with the same methods, but cryptocurrencies and their revolutionary approach are an opportunity to raise funds differently.”

According to the official page, it states, “Make a Donation In Cryptomonnaie”. The translated version further states,
“The technology blockchain can be used to make the world better. After the success of Operation Game Chaingers, UNICEF France goes further and offers virtual currency holders the opportunity to help the world’s children by making a donation in cryptocurrency.”
Currently, the organization is accepting 9 of the major cryptocurrencies viz. Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), XRP, EOS, Stellar (XLM), Monero (XMR), and Dash.

Also, read: Bitcoin & Cryptos Trending like a Boss all Over the World
Making the world better via crypto, revolutionizing the donation approach
It all started with UNICEF’s operation “Game Chaingers” from February 2 to March 31, 2018, in partnership with advertising agency BETC with the objective to reinvent free donation. It has been the first humanitarian fundraiser through cryptos, i.e. Ethereum.
The website reads:
“Thanks to the solidarity of the PC gamers community, we conducted a first operation named Game Chaingers which made it possible to transform graphic cards into a humanitarian tool. This was Ethereum’s first fundraising fundraiser for a charity.”
The fundraiser has been for the Syrian children, where “fundraiser of a new kind, the first made by the blockchain of a cryptocurrency, Ethereum.” The project has been carried by 711 million gamers of the world and eSports community along with anyone with a computer with a graphics card.
Here, participants had to download and install a mining software application and then mine Ethereum for the program.
Similarly, UNICEF Australia started a campaign called “The Hopepage” in May where visitors have to share some of their computing power to mine and donate cryptos.

After having success with their first “Game Chaingers” campaign, now UNICEF allows two choices to the donors. First one is the Miner of cryptocurrency, where “By mining the cryptocurrency of your choice, you make a free donation to the children of the world. We offer the opportunity to those who can not give to put a foot in humanitarian aid.”
One has to “then add the address of our e-wallet to your mining software” and choose the crypto of your choice and then “generate the chosen cryptocurrency, directly on the electronic wallet of UNICEF.”
The second approach is to “Make a cryptodon” where one is given “the opportunity to help the children of the world by donating cryptocurrency.”

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UNICEF France Accepting BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC, XLM, XMR, EOS, & Dash in Donation
UNICEF France now accepts a donation in 9 major cryptocurrencies. After the success of “Game Chaingers” program that involved mining of Ethereum, the agency allows donation either directly in crypto or by mining for them.
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