Undertaker criticizes WWE


Undertaker is a legend not only from WWE but also from around the Wrestling world and was someone who kept the kayfabe for several years, and it was only in this last part of his career that he began to give some interviews.

In the most recent interview with Yahoo, Undertaker criticized WWE for some of the fighters who have already won titles in the company for not having a credible physique to be champions.

It’s not mandatory for a champion to be a giant, but I think we’ve already left the realm of reality with some of our champions.

When we see some of the fighters you have to work with, that’s okay sports entertainment, but my goal every time I went into the ring was to make people in the audience believe that I was fighting seriously, to make them think that what they were seeing was serious.

Now we’re back to having WWE hire more big guys, but we’re at the stage where there is so much talent, you can’t give a fighter a title just because he’s great. In the past there were big guys who knew how to fight and managed to load a company.

Nowadays I believe there has to be something more in between, it has to be a fighter that the public can believe can beat a giant as well as someone who can fight someone smaller.

But there are some fighters who have already won titles and I won’t say names, but there are fighters I don’t believe in. It’s not their fault but I look at them and physically don’t think they can beat some of the other fighters.

What’s your take on Undertaker’s critique of some of the fighters who have already won WWE titles? Speculating a bit, which fighters do you think the Undertaker is talking about in this interview?

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