Unboxing from the Sony Playstation 5 console


As promised by Sony, PlayStation 5 will give new charm to shop windows games around the world this year 2020. So, anticipating a bit what millions of people will experience, let’s take the new console out of the box and enjoy the most modern thing it has to offer. Of course, it was with great anxiety that we grabbed the box to pull out this piece of tech cutting.

In a completely different year from what was expected, this will certainly be one of the great events that will last in the memory of video games: the launch of Playstation 5 (next November 19th).

Image of Sony Playstation 5 console

Sony PlayStation 5 in the hands ...

This is a topic that has motivated us and as such we have followed with particular interest the whole process of anticipating the launch of the new Sony console. So, it is with great pleasure that we have the opportunity to bring you the first images of the new PlayStation 5.

Over the next few days we will be analyzing the console and its capabilities, but for now, let's stick with the initial feel of the console.

The design

The appearance of the Playstation 5 will most likely no longer be a secret to anyone, like the disclosure we made on the new Sony console. However, seeing the pictures and feeling the equipment are definitely two different things.

As we can see from the pictures, the console is extremely elegant and sturdy, and you can see the good quality material. Its futuristic lines are like pointing to the future, when compared to the more rectilinear look of previous consoles.

The console, which can be used both standing and horizontally, ends up gaining more stature when standing. There is something in its lines that suggests something royalty, something eminent.

DualSense, on the other hand, also conveys a sense of the future. Despite maintaining a somewhat similar line to the DualShock 4, it becomes more beautiful.

Image of the DualSense PS5 controller

Some features:

  • Retro compatibility
  • Integration with PlayStation VR
  • Ultra-fast SSD
  • Integrated I / O
  • 4K TV games
  • Up to 120 fps with 120 Hz output
  • HDR technology
  • 8K output

PS5: games

Much of the time of use of the Playstation 5 will certainly be spent playing and as such, it should be emphasized that the Playstation 5 will have backwards compatibility with the vast majority of Playstation 4 games. 4000 games for Playstation 4 will find Playstation 5 a safe haven to always stay close to those who want to keep them over the years.

So when it comes to new games coming up, there are many and valuable ones that are just around the corner. Playstation 5 is a whole new world waiting to be explored.

Pplware analysis coming soon ...

So now we will pay more attention to the analysis itself. So it will be hours of hard work playing, taking PlayStation 5 to the extreme, so we can figure out what it's worth. Yes, it will be hard, complicated, herculean work ... but someone has to do it. Soon we will show you what this fantastic Sony console really is worth.

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