Ukraine launches cryptocurrency and blockchain TV series
The Ukrainian government aims to educate its citizens about blockchain, Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.
With the growing cryptocurrency market, interest in digital assets is on the rise again. Ukraine wants to educate its citizens with the launch of an educational cryptocurrency and blockchain television series.
Distributed by the Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation, the show premiered on Wednesday, November 25, Cointelegraph reported. The series is part of the government program “Diia.Digital Education” and was produced in collaboration with Binance, Hacken and Crystal Blockchain.
The first, hosted by former banker and entrepreneur Andriy Onistrat, featured Ivan Paskar, Binance’s marketing manager in Ukraine. The show discussed some cryptocurrency concepts such as the verifiability of Bitcoin (BTC) supply, digital assets “as an unauthorized and unstoppable transaction log” and how the identification requirements in cryptocurrency exchange can be reconciled with concepts of decentralization and freedom
Viewing all episodes will entitle viewers to receive a certificate of completion. This is part of Ukraine’s efforts to improve digital literacy among its population.
The new TV series focusing on cryptocurrency and blockchain is part of the government’s digital literacy program launched in 2018, Coinidol.com reported. Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation Valeria Lonan said the program has already produced over 40 educational films.
The deputy minister revealed that the project aims to teach digital literacy to 6 million Ukrainians in three years. “At the end of December last year, the study showed that 53% of Ukrainians have digital literacy below the baseline. To solve this problem, we created this project, “explained Valeria Lonan.
Ukraine has one of the highest cryptocurrency adoption rates in the world. In fact, a report released by blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis on September 8, 2020, placed Ukraine number one as the country with the highest cryptocurrency adoption in its report titled “The 2020 Global Crypto Adoption Index: Cryptocurrency is a Global Phenomenon. “
After Ukraine, Russia is in second place and Venezuela in third. “As we analyze in depth later in the report, our data shows that Venezuelans use cryptocurrency the most when the country’s native fiat currency is losing value due to inflation, suggesting that Venezuelans are turning to cryptocurrency to preserve savings. they might otherwise lose, “the report states.
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