Ugh, apparently the meat is even worse for us than we thought – BGR


  • Red meat has been considered dangerous to our health in a number of ways, but new research suggests that its carcinogenic potential is linked to a certain carbohydrate found in meat and dairy products.
  • Research suggests Neu5Gc sugar is the culprit causing cancer.
  • You can still eat red meat, scientists say, but do it in moderation.

You know, we’re just trying to do our best here in the post-COVID world. We are trying to live our life without getting sick, and this includes grocery shopping and (sometimes) trying to make healthy food choices. We know red meat isn’t the best thing in the world – scientists have been telling us for decades – but steak tastes good and can’t be all bad, right? Well, a new study suggests that red meat contains something that may actually increase the risk of cancer.

Past warnings against red meat have been based on things like higher cholesterol, but the idea that red meat can cause cancer is a relatively new wrinkle, at least in terms of what is discussed in this study. Researchers have actually identified a specific carbohydrate found in red meat that may be responsible for this increased risk.

According to the study, N-glycolineuraminic acid “non-human sugar”, or Neu5Gc for short, causes the production of antibodies against it, and it is this combination that can trigger cancer.

The researchers say that after studying the eating habits of 120 people they kept food diaries and allowed scientists to take blood serum samples from them to measure the levels of various compounds in their blood. They found that those on diets high in Neu5Gc, which means lots of red meat and dairy, have more antibodies in their blood and, consequently, an increased risk of cancer.

However, the mere presence of carbohydrates in the body does not mean that cancer is inevitable or even likely. Researchers say the increased risk of cancer is only significant in larger amounts. “Both red meat and dairy products contain the non-human Neu5Gc sugar. In terms of sugar exposure, fishing less of the elements that have high sugar levels would reduce exposure to this immunogen, “Vered Padler-Karavani, Ph.D., co-author of the study said in a statement. Eat this, not that. “Our paper shows that certain amounts may be OK as it would not result in high exposure to dietary sugar.”

So, red meat isn’t the best thing in the world for us … but the same can be said for many different types of food. As is often the case, moderation is key, and if you like steak, eat that steak, but don’t eat it tomorrow and the day after … and the day after.

Mike Wehner has been reporting on technology and video games for the past decade, covering the latest news and trends in VR, wearables, smartphones and the technology of the future. Most recently, Mike worked as a Tech Editor at The Daily Dot and appeared on USA Today,, and countless other websites and print media. His love of reportage is second only to his addiction to games.


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