Udo Walz is dead: a very good friend reveals the last wish of the famous hairdresser


A shock to the world of celebrities: the famous German hairdresser Udo Walz has died at the age of 76. Her husband and her best friend couldn’t say goodbye.

  • Celebrity hairdresser Udo Walz died at the age of 76.
  • Before that he was in a Berlin hospital Come on – Udo Walz died after a diabetes shock multiplem Organversagen
  • Countless celebrities greet each other emotionally.

Update from November 23, 09:32 am: Udo Walz’s best friend talks. The Make-up artists René Koch connected one with Udo Walz 57 years of friendship. Like her husband, the best friend couldn’t say goodbye to Udo Walz. She last met him three weeks ago: “We went out for dinner with Barbara Becker,” René Koch told the Berliner Zeitung. “Udo wasn’t doing very well. But he never complained, he never talked about diseases. He was always young then ”.

The two learned each other 1963 in a bar you know, where Udo Walz was a guest and the makeup artist had an appearance. They found out they lived close by and became friends. Together, the two took care to make their clients as beautiful as possible. Due to the Corona crisis, however, there are strict rules in intensive care units, so a the last visit was no longer possible.

“He didn’t want to die,” he also told RTL. “He thought, life is infinite“Just her last wish, a celebrity funeral and a big event, sadly won’t come true.

Sophia Thomalla says goodbye to Udo Walz

Update November 21 at 11:37 am: The whole world of German celebrities says goodbye to Star hairdresser Udo Walz. The late Berliner seems to have left his mark everywhere. Walz wasn’t just a hairdresser, as the numerous emotional messages and posts clearly demonstrate. “His humor”, “his charm”, “his big heart”: the famous companions and friends remember his very special type. Sophia Thomalla he says: “He always sat in the restaurant and asked the waiter:” Do you know me? “When the gentleman answered ‘no’, Udo always said: ‘how bad!’ “.

Like her mother Simone, Sophia Thomalla is one of many Faces of celebrities commemorates the star hairdresser on Instagram. 17 years of friendship connects her with Udo Walz. She becomes emotional and very personal: “I will miss her noisy ways, her laughter, her wise advice, her limitless love for animals and her warmth very much. With his death, another person leaves who was kind, generous and loyal from head to toe. And there are fewer and fewer of them in the industry. I learned so much from him and took so much away. With him, a part of Berlin and a part of me will die “.

Guido Maria Kretschmar, Carolin Kebekus and Joko and Klaas: farewell to the star-studded hairdresser with a big heart

Social networks should be too Udo Walz very busy. In one Image –Last year she told about her seven sponsored children in Kenya in an interview. He collected donations for a children’s home and also al Kindernothilfe and the Björn Schulz Foundation The Berliner has been committed to children in need for years. It is difficult to find the right words. Star designer Guido-Maria Kretschmar also knows: “Thank you for the long friendship, dear Udo. You were a wonderful person! 🖤 ​​”

Countless important friendships have made the famous Figaro a Berlin institution. The television duo Joko and Klaas also thank them “Longtime companion and friend“For many years:” We thank you with great dismay, dear Udo, for all the laughs, the beautiful and even the best moments that we have been able to live with you. We will miss you. ⁠ “

Famous friends thank Udo Walz: “Make angels hair beautiful!”

The entertainer Oliver Kalkofe has a very special bond with Udo Walz. He has embodied it countless times in comic skits. Thanks not only for the numerous models, but also for the wonderful manner of the deceased: “wonderfully self-deprecating, charming and funny”. Kalkofe also has a very special wish: “Make angels hair beautiful!”

It looks like the 76-year-old’s humor and kindness in particular will be remembered by many. moderator Katja Burkhardt remember: “Your character, your gruff, your honesty, your friendship, your talent, your hospitality and all the hundreds of other attributes that have made you such a special person! “

Update from 21 November, 8.28: For many, Udo Walz was not only a hairdresser but also a good friend, an open ear. actress Simone Thomalla mourns the loss of his faithful companion with a quote: “Die only to your own death. Others must live with it (Mascha Kaleko).”

In one Declaration in front of Colored speaks touchingly of his own long-term friendship: “I’m so sad! A Berlin without Udo … how is that supposed to work ?!” She stresses how comfortable she and the others felt in Figaro. “He was one of the most generous and lovable people I know. He loved us women and we loved him

Update November 20, 20:45: The surprising death of Udo Walz shocked many German celebrities. Her husband Carsten experienced particularly tragic hours: he could not say goodbye to Walz because of Corona. “Unfortunately, I couldn’t be there because I was in quarantine,” he said Image.

Above Instagram * is Twitter the pain is great. moderator Birgit Schrowange writes: “You left too early. You will miss me, I will always remember the good encounters with you. “Actress Jenny Elvers expresses her condolences to Walz’s husband: “Udo – I’m sad. We will miss you! My condolences, Carsten! “

Also Sylvie Meis speaks: “RIP dear Udo. We will miss you so much! “

Famous hairdresser Udo Walz is dead: he was the last in a coma

First report of 20 November:

Berlin – A shock for numerous stars: The Celebrity hairdresser Udo Walz died at the age of 76. This reports bild.de. His Husband Carsten Thamm-Walz confirmed the message accordingly. He had one two weeks ago Shock of diabetes suffered, be ins Come on like it.

Famous hairdresser Udo Walz has died at the age of 76.

© dpa

Eventually it should be in one Berlin hospital have been treated. It should be there from autumn wheelchair have been educated. Yet he continued to work in his own lounge area on the Kurfürstendamm in Berlin. He has suffered from it since the early 1990s Diabetescausing damage to the kidneys and blood vessels. Four years ago he had one, according to several media reports Leg bypass surgery. “An artery is blocked, my left leg doesn’t have enough blood,” he told al Image they reported.

Famous hairdresser Udo Walz died – cause of death report

Udo fell asleep peacefully at noon“, Explained Carsten Thamm-Walz, with whom Udo Walz had been in a relationship since 1994 Image Keep it going. Strong t-online.de eventually it should multi-organ failure died. There are already many sad reactions to the news of the disappearance of the hairdresser star on social media. The hairdresser was especially popular with many celebrities, who gave him star status. He eventually made a career as a hairdresser and later went red carpets at many celebrity events.

The last photo on Udo Walz Instagram *-Channel carries the caption “Stay healthy and happy weekend”.

The first major reaction on Twitter comes from Oliver Kalkofe. The comedian and presenter had played Walz several times in his parodies.

“Very sad news! I have played it often and it has been our guest on the TV screen for 25 years. Wonderfully self-deprecating, charming and funny. Thanks for all the wonderful models, it was an honor. Have a good trip, Udo. Make angels’ hair beautiful, ”he writes.

The transmitter too ProSieben published an obituary. In broadcasts “Circus Halligalli” is “Late Night Berlin” has always had guest appearances. “RIP Udo Walz. We have always enjoyed your performances.”

Category list image: © Soeren Stache / dpa / picture alliance

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