Twitch streamer prepares to copyright a song


A Twitch broadcaster called xQc could no longer bear the platform’s copyrighted music penalties. Making a statement on the matter, the publisher said he was ready to buy all the rights to the song Exitlude, which he uses at the end of its broadcasts. The broadcaster will try to buy the rights to the song by contacting The Killers group.

One of the most popular live broadcast platforms in the world Contractionhas been taking difficult steps for publishers for some time. The platform is particularly obsessed with music used in broadcasts or videos. Because the platform is what publishers use copyrighted music does not forgive and blocks such content. A recent development reveals the opinion of an editor with millions of followers on this issue.

Be a professional Overwatch player xQc Publisher nicknamed Felix Lengyel has been broadcasting on Twitch for a long time. At the end of its broadcasts, xQc, which used the song Exitlude by The Killers group, had to give up on this song after Twitch’s last moves. But more to this situation unbearable The publisher says it intends to buy the rights to Exitlude, regardless of the cost.

“The Exitlude song is integrated with my channel”


Exit the song according to xQc, with the channel it is broadcasting integrated Pencil case. As such, Lengyel, who does not want this situation to change, says he is ready to pay all the prices that will be asked of him. XQc said it will also contact The Killers regarding the issue and express its request. that will be accepted expresses his thoughts. Furthermore, the young publisher stresses that he is ready to pay the price that the musicians will set.


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In fact, it must be said that both Twitch and xQc are right in this regard. After all, the songs of the musicians legal rights is happening. However, on the other hand, it is obvious that these songs are not the things that make broadcasters money. Additionally, Twitch last month announced a music library that prevented publishers from experiencing copyright issues. Platform, “Twitch soundtrack“He tried to get publishers to copyright-free music with this library, but it seems like this library didn’t appeal to publishers.


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