Twelve minutes of sport would change blood biomarkers


Practicing short workouts could have a greater impact on our body than you might think. According to a new study, in fact, twelve minutes of intense physical activity would be enough to significantly modify the metabolic biomarkers of our blood.

Metabolites, products formed in the body during a metabolic process, can act as indicators of a person’s cardiovascular health and metabolism. According to Gregory Lewis, a heart failure and heart transplant specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital, “We already know a lot about the effects of exercise on the heart, vascular and inflammatory systems of the human body. However, our study provides a more complete overview of the impact sport has on our metabolism. “

The expert explains that he was particularly struck by the effects that short sports sessions can have on the levels of metabolites circulating in the blood, and which govern the key functions of our body, such as insulin resistance, stress. oxidative, vascular reactivity, inflammation and longevity.

Favorable variations between circulating metabolites

To better understand how an intensive exercise session affects all metabolites in the human body, the research team measured the levels of 588 different circulating metabolites in 411 volunteers. The measurements were taken before and immediately after a workout of approximately twelve minutes.

After analyzing the different data, the scientists finally found that significant changes could be observed in over 80% of the circulating metabolites. Among these variations, some were particularly favorable. For example, the glutamate metabolite, associated with heart disease, diabetes, and a shorter lifespan, is said to have decreased by 29% on average after exercise.

The study indicates variations based on the sex and body mass index of the volunteers. The signs of obesity could in particular limit some benefits of intensive sports.

To date, a growing number of studies seem to show that exercise is particularly beneficial. In 2017, research argued, for example, that one hour of weekly sports could reduce the risk of depression. According to cardiologist Ravi Shah, the new study could help patients suffering from hypertension or other metabolic risk factors following sports sessions.

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