Tron Foundation (TRX) CEO – co-founder Justin Sun recently updated the Tron community on new company projects, adding that the blockchain project is working to develop a custom token that will drive the BitTorrent network. The CEO also said that the Tron Foundation would provide users with a clear incentive to allow them to be part of the new project.
Tron to reward BitTorrent users
The company's recent statement means that BitTorrent users who share files on the platform will be rewarded based on the bandwidth of their contribution. Justin Sun said: "Project Atlas will connect the Tron blockchain network (TRX) and the BitTorrent P2P network through a series of BitTorrent protocol extensions."
He also added that an in-client token and a personalized token economy manage existing borders and open a new economy for the exchange of value for resources on a universal scale. Users will have the opportunity to continue seeding the file even after the download process is complete.
Tokens created specifically for users will be created that will allow them to run clients on faster networks. Thus, the streams will be sown for a much longer time. In addition, the company also promises faster download speeds as the network will work more efficiently.
Other updates and developments are coming to Tron (TRX)
While Tron's Virtual Machine (TRX) has been officially released recently by the company, there are many promising and crucial developments and updates that are expected for the company in the future. According to a press release from the company, Tron Mainnet (TRX), which is called Odyssey 3.0, releases the final code for the exchangers soon after which it is possible to update the portfolios and nodes.
TRON (TRX) Price today – TRX / USD
The current market capitalization of the digital currency is $ 1.65 billion and the volume of trade in the last twenty-four hours is $ 98.08 million.