On August 6th Tron confirmed once again the constant support for the company partnership with Pornhub, given that published a special, detailed guide to update the Pornhub accounts using TRX tokens on the website.
As previously reported, the partnership between Tron Foundation and the leading adult website, Pornhub has been confirmed by the parties who did not see the time to start cooperation. And yesterday the actual integration of TRX on the website was finally confirmed as the parties published the official guidelines.
Pornhub's official message on their Twitter page said: "We are pleased to announce that they are now accepting Zen Cash and Tron (TRX) as an encrypted currency payment for Pornhub Premium !!"
The detailed guide report published is intended to provide a simplified step by step guide to users who might be interested in using TRX tokens to purchase the premium subscription on the adult entertainment website.
Pornhub is a leading platform that has about 90 million unique visitors in a day, while the premium version of the company currently has 48.4 million page views from around the world. During the last few months, as announced the announcement of the collaboration between Tron and the company, field experts predicted a measurable increase for TRX. This is undoubtedly a measurable market for Tron which promises to bring a broader integration and development of money on the market.
According to experts in the field, Pornhub accepting TRX payments is full of benefits for the company which include greater visibility of TRX, greater demand for money and significant possibilities for cryptocurrency to decentralize adult film industry. In addition, experts predict that BitTorrent, recently acquired, can also play a role in the future of adult cinema.

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