Transparent OLED TV from Panasonic available from December


After several years of announcement now the Panasonic transparent OLED TV it will actually go on sale next December. A prototype of this type was first unveiled four years ago at IFA 2016 and is now followed by the official product announcement along with the product name. You can find all the information here.

Panasonic 2020 transparent OLED TV

But let’s go back briefly in history, 2016 as a student of furniture design shown, in 2017 for the first time as a standalone TV product, following Another design studio with cozy décor in 2019. For the market launch, the Japanese company initially plans Taiwan, Sigapur, Australia and New Zealand, a price has not yet been determined. The device is unlikely to be cheap.

The aforementioned TV will in the future be offered in two versions based on the name TP-55ZT110 is TP-55ZT100 Listen. The difference is hidden in the so-called dimmer unit, which also has an impact on the size and weight of the TV. As you can already deduce from the name, the device is only available in 55 inches and comes with a Full HD resolution (HDMI 1.4b), which is what we had already received directly from Panasonic in recent years. According to the manufacturer, the panel elements are fabricated or glued together in a vacuum process, in order to minimize reflections and increase transparency. According to the first conclusions, the devices did not have a tuner installed.

As already mentioned, the dimmer units have a device that is too deep and obviously also dependent on weight. Here’s how it measures TP-55ZT110 the panel is 7.8mm deep, the TP-55ZT100 on the other hand it reaches only 3.8 mm. The weight also increases from 8 (TP-55ZT100) to 14 kg (TP-55ZT110). The background is that you can activate the device’s so-called black mode and use it as a classic TV. The proportion of light that can pass through the panel is greatly reduced in order to display black values ​​and contrast.

Panasonic 2020 transparent OLED TV

As we have seen at trade shows and their studies in recent years, such products can be seen in the B2B sector, for example in shop windows. But not only does Panasonic have clear OLED TVs in its portfolio, LG also showed us the same studies last year. Now most importantly in the end, prices are not currently available, but they should definitely appear soon.

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