To deal with Corona … a new health measure for those coming from abroad


The Preventive Medicine Sector at the Ministry of Health and Population has announced that regarding the procedures and requirements currently followed to enter the Egyptian territory in light of the pandemic, the General Quarantine Administration has stated that, at the moment, it is forbidden to l entry into the Arab Republic of Egypt, be they Egyptians or foreigners, whether by land, sea or air. Without the arriving person being accompanied by a PCR analysis to detect the Coronavirus, with negative results, at the latest 72 hours before the scheduled take-off of the plane bound for the Arab Republic of Egypt, and at the latest 72 hours before the arrival in Egyptian territory by land or sea.

Controls indicated that for airports (Sharm El Sheikh, Taba, Hurghada and Marsa Alam) for non-PCR test holders) to detect Corona virus, a PCR analysis is performed for a financial cost of $ 30, provided that the swabs are collected with the knowledge of the quarantine or under its supervision and sent to the spot goes to the laboratories of the competent Ministry of Health and Population, and passengers are allowed, provided that those in the hotels of residence are isolated until release of the test result.

As for cases with a positive outcome of the virus, self-isolation in the room of residence is required without mixing or interacting, and coordinating with the competent directorates for health affairs and curative affairs to implement preventive and curative health measures according to the established protocol during the period of stay in Egypt and until leaving the country with the tourist group.

A PCR analysis will be conducted to detect the Corona virus for those coming from truck drivers and crews from the countries of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan through the ports of Nuweiba and Safaga to the ports of arrival, against a cost financial of $ 30, or equivalent, provided that the tampons are collected immediately The arrival of the ferry, container or ship carrying the truckers and crews concerned on board and immediate dispatch to the competent laboratories of the Ministry of Health, before starting the procedures for leaving the port and waiting for the results of the analyzes, with the exception of children who are no more than 6 years old.

As for stranded Egyptian hauliers working in the land freight sector between Egypt and Sudan, swabs are taken daily for the stranded people and sent for analysis to Aswan

Unlike the Corona procedures, for those coming from areas at risk of yellow fever transmission, presenting an international certificate of vaccination (valid) against yellow fever disease, entering the Arab Republic of Egypt, for travelers from 9 months in on, and also for arriving travelers (in transit) who have stayed more than 12 hours in transit. Yellow fever transmission is among the countries at risk.

For those coming from countries where polio virus is endemic, they must have an international certificate attesting to having received the vaccination prior to arrival, within a period of (4 weeks – 12 months) maximum without age limits, in order to obtain an entry visa.

As regards the holding of diplomatic meetings and celebrations, the Ministry recommends the need to adhere to the Prime Minister’s Decision n. 1684 of 2020, in addition to the commitment to apply preventive and precautionary measures to prevent the emerging Coronavirus.

The Ministry of Health stated that the mechanism for applying it is through the use of remote thermal screening devices, and the need to adhere to wear masks throughout the period of attendance at rallies, and to maintain a spatial distance (a distance of at least 2 meters) with all participants and avoid crowded places, as well as avoiding participation Personal tools and disinfection of common surfaces (chairs, tables, telephones, keyboards …..) with diluted chlorine or antiseptics, keep the label of the sneezing and coughing using paper towels, wash your hands for at least half a minute or periodically rub them with 70% alcohol.

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