This Wednesday the LGBTIQ population will have a full day for health and wellbeing


This Wednesday the LGBTIQ population will have a full day for health and wellbeing

Photo credit: special for

IS Wednesday, October 28, starting at 10:00, the Cali Welfare Secretariat, will perform a full day of health and wellbeing for the LGBTIQ population, in the main park of the Obrero district, located in 23rd street with 10th race.

The initiative led by the Cali-Diversidad program; will allow access to the LGBTIQ population Services Such as:

  • Appointment assignment for Sisbén
  • verification of data and affiliation to the subsidized health regime
  • rapid HIV tests, Syphilis, hepatitis BC
  • Delivery of the condom

Other services that conference attendees can access include aattention to oral health; vaccinations, pink office for the treatment and prevention of gender-based violence, mental health care for people with use of psychoactive substances.

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Other services for the LGBTIQ population

As well as the receiving cases for legal advice and psychosocial guidance; health rights education, path for filing petitions and complaints to the Ministry of Health.

The health conference will also be present pedagogical activities against HIV and Covid-19, general medical care, screening for Covid-19.

According to the coordinator of the Cali-Diversity Program, Alexandra Peña Gomez; The goal of the conference is to guide and link the file Lgbtiq population in a situation of vulnerability, to the offer of services from Secretaries of Social Assistance and Municipal Public Health.

Finally, interested parties can request any type of information from mobile 3183579476 it’s at e-mail [email protected] Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17:00.

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