This nasal spray could be the breakthrough we need to end Covid-19


Researchers have discovered a new peptide, administered in the form of a nasal spray, which has the potential to end the pandemic sooner or later. It appears to block the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in ferrets, and if it proves effective in humans, a squirt or two in the nose would prevent infection from even large amounts of the virus. The only question is how long will it take to find out.

In a small study published yesterday in bioRxiv and currently under peer review, two ferrets were given the nasal spray and two others were given a placebo. The researchers locked them in a cage with another ferret who had been infected the day before and 24 hours later they were released: two perfectly protected and two infected.

If the spray protected humans as well as ferrets, it would be comparable to a successful vaccine in terms of its ability to prevent the spread of the disease, not to mention the best of many of the Covid-19 vaccines currently in phase 3 clinical trials. they are shown to be only moderately effective. Rather than mitigating symptoms after the fact, the nasal spray would work prophylactically to stop the infection altogether.

SARS-C0V-2 infection involves fusion of virus membranes and host cell proteins. In a series of previous studies by the authors of the current study, they have shown that peptides that inhibit the fusion process can inhibit the fusion of measles virus, human parainfluenza virus type 3, and Nipah virus. In this study, they show that a similar peptide acts as a potent inhibitor of fusion by SARS-CoV-2, in both cells and ferrets.

Beyond the novelty and promise of the approach, the study is noteworthy for a number of reasons. First, the researchers paid close attention to mimicking the natural process of exposure and infection, cohousing the treated and untreated ferrets with those that had been infected with SARS-CoV-2. While occasional fights and bites could provide opportunities for transmission, ferrets were just as likely to contract the virus by simply sharing the same air, just as we humans do.

Secondly, mass-producing the nasal spray would be relatively simple. Large quantities of the peptides that make up the spray can be produced quickly and easily. According to the researchers, they can be delivered in a liquid formulation, freeze-dried, then turned back into liquid, entirely suitable for being sprayed into the human nose. Due to the simplicity of the process and the components involved, the spray would also be inexpensive to manufacture and ideally inexpensive to purchase.

The study, like any other, comes with a few caveats. One is that it remains to be seen whether the human mucosa – the mucous membranes that line our nose and other body cavities – behave like ferret mucous membranes. Another has to do with SARS-CoV-2’s ability to mutate and potentially circumvent the blocking attempt. Although SARS-CoV-2 does not mutate as quickly as other viruses, it is possible that the effectiveness of the spray may vary by strain.

Both the public and private sectors – pharmaceutical companies, National Institutes of Health, Operation Warp Speed ​​- should put all their weight into testing this nasal spray on humans just as quickly and forcefully with vaccines. If they do and the spray proves safe and effective for humans, it could be on the market and available for use in as little as six months. This nasal spray could be the breakthrough we’ve been waiting for to end the pandemic. It will require some bold commitment from the federal government, but if anything deserves warp speed, in my opinion this is it.


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