This mask study will blow your mind before your next workout


Just dress up.

For those who went back to the gym or continued exercising outdoors during the coronavirus pandemic, it has often been debated whether wearing a face mask can affect breathing during exercise.

As gyms across the country require the use of masks within facilities, a new study has found that wearing a mask during a hard workout doesn’t actually do anything to harm your performance.

The study, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, sought to find out whether exercise performance is impaired by wearing a face mask.

Researchers at the University of Saskatchewan were interested in seeing whether masks can harm performance by limiting oxygen intake or not filtering the air by causing an increase in breathing carbon dioxide, two claims that have been made questioning the use of the mask in gyms.

However, the researchers said that wasn’t the case: wearing a mask at the gym not only protects yourself and others, it doesn’t affect your training.

“Our findings are important because they indicate that people can wear face masks during intense exercise with no detrimental effects on performance and minimal impact on blood and muscle oxygenation,” the researchers said in a press release. .

“This is important when fitness centers open during COVID-19 as respiratory droplets can be pushed further with heavy breathing during strenuous exercise and because of reports of COVID-19 groups in closed and crowded facilities.”

The study had 14 fitness participants doing a short warm-up exercise on an exercise bike that resulted in increased intensity and required participants to maintain a pedaling rate. This exercise was completed three times by the participants. Each exercise required participants to wear a surgical mask, a fabric face mask, and a routine that did not involve any masks.

To measure breathing, the researchers recorded the participants’ blood oxygen levels and muscle oxygen levels across each test.

“Our study found no harmful effect of wearing a non-disposable cloth or surgical mask for disposal during vigorous exercise on physical performance,” the researchers said. “For healthy, active people, wearing a face mask during strenuous exercise has little effect on arterial or muscle oxygen levels and no effect on physical performance.”

Masks have become part of the norm since the pandemic began in March. For those who go to the gym or regularly exercise outdoors, wearing masks is recommended, especially if training is indoors.

Fitness guru Dannah Eve Bollig told Ladders she preferred to wear masks made by sports brand companies because the materials are more comfortable than wearing a surgical mask. You’ve probably seen a number of people practicing masks from adidas or Under Armor.

As for surfing the gym with a mask, here’s what she recommends:

“Some tips and tricks that I have found very useful are to carry multiple masks with you so that if and when you sweat (a wet / sweaty mask can limit its effectiveness and make breathing more uncomfortable) you can safely replace your mask with one. clean or dry. Also, never touch the mask once it is in place, especially if you have touched and used gym equipment, the more you do it, the more you increase your chances of being exposed to the virus. Finally, make sure you have a disinfectant handy. with the recommended alcohol content of at least 60% declared by the CDC and practice social distancing and good hygiene by washing your hands as much as possible. “

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