This is the horoscope for Wednesday 28 October 2020


Carlos Pineda

ARIES 21/03 to 19/04

Be careful when eating impulsively, as you may gain too much weight. It is possible that today there are sudden changes in some aspects of your life.

TAURUS 04/20 to 05/20

On a more intimate level, you will exert a lot of attraction on others and also behave in a romantic and intuitive way, so you already know how to beware of possessiveness.

GEMINI from 21/05 to 21/06

Today you should try to put your ideas in order and see what your priorities are in the different areas of life: do not waste energy and take care of your physical health.

CANCER from 22/06 to 23/07

Today you should pay more attention to your health – watch your diet, so that it is balanced. On a social level, you will enjoy a good day, you will try to get out of the daily grind, you will have fun.

LEO 07/23 to 08/22

Overall, your life could take a dramatic turn; think that changes are necessary to mature. However, it is possible that love will give you a headache.

VIRGO 23/08 to 23/09

You will need to try to express your thoughts and opinions in a kind, tactful and diplomatic way, as otherwise you may have some difficulty.

LIBRA from 24/09 to 23/10

Take advantage of your good relationships on a social level, both personal and work, you will not regret it. In general, you may experience personal growth.

ESCORPION 24/10 to 22/11

You should think before you speak, you could hurt someone you love with your words. This aspect will be ideal for starting new studies, applying for scholarships, etc.

SAGITTARIUS from 11/23 to 12/21

In the area of ​​relationships, if you get attacks from other people, don’t respond in the same way; You better keep your balance and be cautious.

CAPRICORN from 22/12 to 19/01

Use your skills in the field of finance to make good investments and act in a concrete, organized and precise way; You will not regret it, get out of the daily routine.

AQUARIUS from 20/01 to 18/02

Don’t forget that happiness doesn’t just depend on material successes, even if that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t fight for them, remember you are in a cycle of realization.

FISH from 19/02 to 20/03

Your attitude today will be persistent and reverent towards the spiritual plane of life. You will also be attracted to the search for new ideas to explore, take care of your physical part, become active.


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