This is the horoscope for Friday 13 November 2020


Carlos Pineda

ARIES 21/03 to 19/04

His current situation does not convince him, he needs to generate changes. Spend time promoting personal projects, change harmful habits. MESSAGE: Her excess of personalism makes your relationships difficult.

TAURUS 04/20 to 05/20

Take your problems calmly and stay optimistic. Follow your intuition … In Health: life in the open air is for you. Organized is your strength. MESSAGE: Give yourself the pleasure you’ve been wanting for so long.

GEMINI from 21/05 to 21/06

Get adventurous, carry out your creativity. Take risks and gains, don’t be afraid of risks, but always take precautions. Suggest ideas to your partner. MESSAGE: In Health, recharge your batteries

CANCER from 22/06 to 23/07

In occupations, the stimulating pace guides your activities, but one at a time, it is very important. Complete the talents, share your ideas, is the key to success. MESSAGE: Stay away from envy.

LEO 07/23 to 08/22

Partial successes encourage you to continue and give more impetus to your projects. Be realistic and promise what you can offer. In Health rest more, but don’t neglect either. MESSAGE: Plan a trip.

VIRGO 23/08 to 23/09

During this challenging time, you will mature and become more independent. Because stability and security will cease to be what they were. MESSAGE: These won’t be happy times, clear your mind.

LIBRA from 24/09 to 23/10

No matter which way out you seek, you will have the feeling that you are finding meaning in your life. You have to accept it and try to enrich your daily life. MESSAGE: Surround yourself with friends and share with them.

ESCORPION 24/10 to 22

You are reaching your goals but you still perceive the failures, you feel uncertainty. Just adjust a few points and listen to the advice. MESSAGE: Rename your affirmations. Physical power, take advantage of it.

SAGITTARIUS from 11/23 to 12/21

In the professions, activate prevention. Find out the problems of others. Don’t take your work problems to the family. Find the solution to small problems. MESSAGE: Give yourself the space to act.

CAPRICORN from 22/12 to 19/01

During this time of unpredictable emotions and situations you will have a strong desire to raise the limits of your consciousness. MESSAGE: You have had a forgotten person for a long time, call them.

AQUARIUS from 20/01 to 18/02

At work, casual alliances form a flattering work team. Propose initiatives. In Health, practice relaxation and yoga. MESSAGE: It will be time to review how time passes in your life.

FISH from 19/02 to 20/03

Chameleon attitude in the face of challenges and changes. Use your reflexes in the face of change. Consult with colleagues. Health – you will be full of vitality and energy. MESSAGE: This weekend will be transcendent.


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