This is the game you can get for free on the Epic Games Store next week


As many of you already know, Thursday has become one of the favorite days of the week for all PC gamers. And is that every Thursday from 17:00 CET we have the opportunity to get at least one game completely free thanks to the Epic Games Store.

Currently you can find Dungeons 3 available for free download, a title that will be available until November 12 at 5pm, at which time it will be replaced by the next game to be given away by the Epic platform, The Textorcist: The Story by Ray Bible.

Get The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bible next Thursday totally free on the Epic Games Store

The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bible

A declining city with its streets full of criminals, crime and censorship, and one man to stop it all. Revolutionary gameplay, exorcists, demons, metal singers, pimp, the pope, drama, bad jokes and tons of extremely action-packed boss battles in the first game where you eliminate your enemies by typing.

Dodge bullets while writing exorcisms. Use both hemispheres of the brain and experience the adventure of Ray Bible, a private exorcist who faces the threats of a demonic epidemic as he fights his dark and sinful past.



YorHa’s frustrated and loyal Spartan servant who, when not working, writes or streams on Twitch.

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