This activity would increase the risk of contracting Covid-19 by 78%



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Walking the dog is a factor that increases the risk of contracting Covid-19 by 78%, according to a study conducted by Spanish researchers. Home delivery of groceries also increases this probability.

Researchers from the University of Granada and the Andalusian School of Public Health in Spain conducted a survey of over 2,000 people between the ages of 40 and 54 to determine which behaviors and activities are riskier in daily life. regarding the risk of coronavirus contamination. According to their findings, people who have a habit of walking their dog have a 78% higher risk.

Although these people have not been shown to have been infected by their pets, experts believe they can transmit the virus to them through direct contact or by contaminating housing surfaces upon returning from a walk. They therefore advise dog owners to pay particular attention to hygiene measures when returning from the outside.

“In the midst of a pandemic and in the absence of an effective treatment or vaccine, preventive hygiene measures are the only salvation, and these measures should also apply to dogs, which, according to our study, appear to increase directly or indirectly the risk of contracting the virus “, comments Professor Sanchez Gonzalez.

Don’t have it delivered to your home

Working from home rather than from the office reduces the chances of infection by 76%, as long as you don’t have food and essential items delivered at home, a possibility that many supermarkets offer, especially as the epidemic begins. In fact, using this service is 94% riskier than going to the store.

Furthermore, beyond any other recommended hygienic measure, disinfecting recently purchased products appears to be the habit that most reduces the chances of contagion, according to this study published in the online journal. Environmental research.


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