They discover a planet “escaped” from the Solar System


Another planet was able to rotate around the Sun. Carnegie Mellon University researchers have found the existence of “an ice giant expelled in the early days of the Solar System by unknown forces. “The” ejected “planet would be between Saturn and Uranus, its presence would have completely changed the orbits of all the other planets.

To detect it, they did more than 6,000 simulations of what the early days of the Solar System would have been like. IS “reverse engineering“:” It’s kind of like trying to figure out what happened in a car accident after the fact. How fast the cars went, in what directions and so on, “explained lead author of the study, Matt Clement, a researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, as reported in the scientific journal Icarus.

Photo: a double planet that has not been seen since the Middle Ages: the only phenomenon of Jupiter and Saturn
A double planet that has not been seen since the Middle Ages: the only phenomenon of Jupiter and Saturn

The confidential

In its youth, the Sun was surrounded by a rotating disk of gas and dust from which planets were born. Orbits were initially thought to be closed and circular and have been modified by gravitational interactions between larger objects that disturbed their arrangement. Now, this discovery better explains what the current ones are like orbital models of the planets. In the beginning, Jupiter and Saturn had eccentric and oval orbits. Additionally, Jupiter has orbited the sun up to three times for every two times that Saturn has done.

The birth of the planets

“This indicates that while our solar system is a bit strange, it hasn’t always been that way,” Clement said. “Furthermore, now that we have established the effectiveness of this model, we can use it to help us see the formation of terrestrial planets, including our own, and perhaps to inform our ability to look elsewhere for similar systems that may have the potential to port life“.

Pluto is one of the planetoids in the Kuiper belt
Pluto is one of the planetoids in the Kuiper belt

Reverse engineering studies also verified that the positions of Uranus and Neptune were established through the mass of C.inturón de Kuiper (a frozen region at the edge of the Solar System made up of planets and planetoids, recently including Pluto) and this frozen giant planet that was ejected to the origins of the Solar System.

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