They discover a 16th-century sketch of Jesus Christ, probably drawn by Leonardo da Vinci


It was done with red chalk, a technique that the Florentine artist also used to create the sketches of his masterpiece, “The Last Supper”.

Italian researchers recently found a drawing of Jesus Christ in a private collection in Lombardy, which bears striking similarities to the Mona Lisa, leading them to assume it is an unknown earlier work by the Renaissance master, Leonardo da Vinci.

It is a sketch, made with red chalk, a technique that the artist has often used, and even used to create the sketches of his masterpiece, “The Last Supper”. “It is an extraordinarily beautiful and refined work and I am absolutely convinced that it is a sketch by Leonardo,” art historian Annalisa Di Maria, who studied drawing, told The Telegraph.

The expert explained that the paper on which the drawing is made has been subjected to various laboratory tests and dates back to the early 16th century. Born in 1452 in the city of Vinci, in the province of Florence, Leonardo performed “The Last Supper” between 1495 and 1498 and moved to France in 1516 to work for King Francis I, where he died in 1519.

Moreover, Di Maria pointed out that “the position of Christ is typical of Leonardo, who rarely drew figures from the front, but from an angle”. “It has that dynamism and that sense of movement typical of Leonardo“, he explained, adding that the way of drawing the beard and eyes is practically identical to the master’s self-portraits.

However, the study of the work is not yet finished: it is not clear where the drawing has been preserved in all these years, nor has it been confirmed that it is an authentic work of the genius of the Renaissance.

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