They capture a video of an Amazon delivery boy stealing a PS5


yes we know PlayStation 5 It’s hard to get at this point, but just because you can distribute them doesn’t mean nobody has to commit the crime of having one, it’s very low. So it was with this employee Amazon He was caught on video stealing one of these consoles on launch day.

On November 19, a man UK In the name of Richard Walker I was waiting for the bellboy to arrive Amazon With one PS5 Celebrate your child’s 16th birthday. Unfortunately for him, this delivery boy decided to keep the console to himself, and this is what he did:

“Delivery” Amazon Deliveryman (scans the product and then sends it back to the truck) on the day of my son’s PS5, who is also 16.

Eurocomer Report that daughter Walker I went to a nearby warehouse Amazon With the video in question, he confronted the manager, who confirmed that the person on camera was one of his employees and said they would like it.

Once the material is published on the Internet, Amazon He told the newspaper the following Oxford Mail:

“How we approach the highest standards of quality and customers in our delivery service. This worker will no longer be part of Amazon ”.

The family is unknown Walker I managed to get it back PS5, But why Amazon You have already found and removed the person responsible for the theft, which could be yours.


Through: Eurocomer

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