These three aspects of the coronavirus that you may not have heard of


After hearing about the coronavirus every day, or almost every day, for a year, after two hospitalizations, perhaps after getting sick yourself, do you think you have knowledge of Covid-19? Dr. Jimmy Mohamed, primary care physician and co-host of the Europa 1 health program, Sans Rendez-vous, Monday through Friday 3:00 to 4:00 pm, reveals three facts about the disease you may not have had. not yet heard of.

What is a “super contaminant”?

In theory, a coronavirus patient can contaminate two to three people in the absence of barrier gestures. Which, in turn, risks contaminating two or three others.

In fact, some patients will infect one or two people, or none at all. And the chain of transmission of the virus will die out. But, for some reason that scientists still don’t understand, some patients will infect 10, 20, or even 30 people. They are “super contaminants”.

It is currently impossible to identify them. Some of them are even asymptomatic. However, they are carriers of a huge amount of the virus. “This is why we must always be masked, even when there are no symptoms,” advises Dr Jimmy Mohamed.

These “super-contaminants” need “super events” to spread the virus. These are typically bars and restaurants, gyms or family events, types of wedding or birthday parties. This is why these venues are closed and these gatherings are prohibited. Dr. Mohamed also asks for the utmost vigilance when decontentation begins.

Wear a mask at home when you are sick

If you are sick with coronavirus and are quarantined at home with other people, Dr. Mohamed recommends wearing a mask, even indoors.

By wearing a mask, in fact, you decrease the viral load, i.e. the amount of virus, you transmit. This way you can avoid infecting your loved ones. And if they still get sick, “they would make a less severe form,” assures Dr. Jimmy Mohamed.

In case of psychiatric disorders, consult quickly

An American study, involving 60,000 coronavirus patients, showed that within 3 months, 20% of them develop psychiatric disorders, such as mood disorders, anxiety disorders or insomnia.

That’s why, if you’ve caught Covid and are experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, or sleep disturbances, don’t hesitate to consult professionals to help you.

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