these everyday objects that could affect the effectiveness of the vaccine?


According to the researchers, everyday objects could interfere with the effectiveness of the coronavirus vaccine. We explain why.

To date, many countries are struggling to find the ideal formula for a 100% effective vaccine. Yes, since the beginning of 2020, Covid-19 has hit full steam and has continued to create second waves since the first confinement last spring.

In the past few days, several labs have announced an efficiency of over 90% in their vaccine trials. Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca or even Modern, almost 95% effective according to the latest information. Currently, many are currently in phase III and ready to be commercialized by the end of 2020 or early 2021. A beacon of hope for the world, which has no less than 55 million cases since the start of the pandemic.

No to chemicals

Unfortunately, according to information from our colleagues from The Guardian, researchers would be rather pessimistic about a vaccine’s effectiveness. The reason ? The presence of chemicals in many everyday objects. What will you tell us? These are perfluorinated and polyfluorinated (PFAS).

Reported by the French authorities, they remain very dangerous to health, according to information released by Yahoo NewsS. But initially, these substances are found in many products we use every day.

Food packaging, non-stick pans, cosmetics, clothing, floor coverings or even paints. Chemicals in these items that are associated with a high risk of liver damage, fertility or cancer.

A less effective vaccine?

According to The Guardian, if the possible effects of these products have been identified for years now, others, more recent, have just been revealed. They could cause another little known but potentially important defect reducing the effectiveness of some vaccines administered,

“At this point, we don’t know if this will impact a Covid-19 vaccination, but it’s a risk. Fingers crossed, ”said Philippe Grandjean, professor of environmental medicine at the University of Southern Denmark and the Harvard School of Public Health.

In 2018, the same professor made it clear through new research that antibodies exposed to PFAS had been reduced after being vaccinated against tetanus and diphtheria.

“People highly exposed to PFAS have very low protective antibody levels after four diphtheria and tetanus vaccinations. So if a Covid-19 vaccine is similar, PFAS will likely inhibit the response of one. But the vaccine. at this point it is an unknown “.

For more details, go to the video at the beginning of the article.

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