“There is no training or education!”


During this afternoon’s special program, Maria Botelho Moniz received the mothers of Zena and Jéssica Fernandes in the studio to comment on the latest controversies about their daughters. Sandra, aimed at a discussion of her daughter with Carina, did not skimp on criticism: “She has no training or education!”

In the opinion of the former competitor, Carina, insulting her again at home, turned out to be “rude, aggressive and compulsive”. Sandra took advantage of the scheduled presence also to deny any type of accusation made by the northern woman.

Ana Garcia Martins, too, did not fail to comment on the controversial discussion and accused Carina of being very rude in the comments she made about the singer’s mother.

Eventually, Zena and Renato’s relationship was also analyzed by the Madeiran mother and resident commentators.

You know, there is no shortage of controversy at Ericeira’s house. Keep following everything on TVI Reality.

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