The woman gives birth to a child with antibodies to Covid-19


After contracting Covid-19 on a trip to Europe last March when she was pregnant, a Singaporean woman has just given birth to a baby who now has antibodies to the virus.

The case of Céline Ng-Chan, 31, could allow doctors to better study the phenomena of transmission of the virus from mother to child.

“My pediatrician said that the antibodies I developed against Covid-19 are gone, but Aldrin [le nouveau-né] has some. My doctor assumes that I transferred my antibodies to him during pregnancy “Ng-Chan told The Straits Times in Singapore.

Testing positive for coronavirus during her 10th week of pregnancy, Ng-Chan had been hospitalized for two and a half weeks, showing mild fever symptoms.

Temporary protection

According to the WHO, scientists still don’t know if a pregnant woman with Covid-19 can transmit the virus to her fetus or baby. Only rare cases have been identified so far. However, no trace of the active virus was found in amniotic fluid samples or in breast milk.

In the case of pregnant women who contracted Covid-19 during pregnancy but have since recovered, a test in a child who appears to be asymptomatic and in good health is not required.

However, it appears that the antibodies developed by young children against Covid-19 are not going to last. In fact, Chinese doctors have reported that babies with this type of antibody at birth end up losing them over time.

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