The war continues: Luciana Abreu’s ex-husband responds to rape allegations – National


After Luciana Abreu accused her second ex-husband of raping her and consuming illegal drugs in court, Daniel Souza made rare statements on the new phase of the judicial process.

Without ever mentioning the name of the singer, Daniel has published this Friday 27 a series of messages in which he talks about evil.

“They called it a failure, I shut up. They said I didn’t have a story to tell, I shut up too. They told me to take care of my life, and I really shut up and took care, swallowing it all what was dry. thrown at me out of sheer personal dissatisfaction. I am not dead. I survived, I grew up and I learned to buy time by advancing and respecting myself instead of trying to get the appreciation of someone who has decidedly decided to sabotage me“he said, quoted by ‘Vidas’.

“Let me tell you something, evil exists, bad and aimless people who become its tools, but it becomes strong on us only when we give it the power to hit us. Otherwise God is and will always be greater in us “, he continued.

In another post, the tour guide said that “happy people build their inner world. Unhappy people blame their outer world.”

This week, in one of the last stages of the divorce process, Luciana Abreu has decided to add a new accusation, that the “practice of sexual intercourse against the will” has been forced, also stating that Daniel used drugs at home. “I was making drug pies for consumption,” he said. The former couple also fights for sharing the custody of the two daughters: the twins Amoor and Valentine.

Rare images of Luciana Abreu’s daughters


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