the virus circulates less actively but hospitalizations are increasing


As announced by the Regional Health Agency earlier this week, the health situation linked to the coronavirus outbreak appears to be improving in the Dordogne according to Public Health France. There is a downward trend in incidence and positivity rates.

Sharp drop in the incidence rate

In Périgord, the incidence rate, that is the number of positive tests per 100,000 inhabitants, is falling sharply. II went from 292.1 in week 45 to 162.1 in the following week. The incidence rate has therefore fallen below the maximum alert threshold which is set at 250.

The test positivity rate is also decreasing from 12.9 to 10. In Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the average positivity rate is 12.

It decreased in all departments of the region except in Lot-et-Garonne.

Hospitalizations on the rise

According to Public Health France, 89 people were hospitalized in the Dordogne on 17 November. But if we go to the Geodes Observatory site, we see that since then the admissions have increased, from 89 to 100. Furthermore, the number of people in intensive care is stable. 16 people are hospitalized for severe coronavirus.

Finally, a new death was registered at the Périgueux hospital. In all, 30 people have died from the coronavirus since March 1. 197 people recovered from this disease.

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