
Several world-renowned pharmaceutical companies are already evoking the imminent arrival on the market of a vaccine, which will undoubtedly allow a glimmer of hope to be drawn on the never-ending day of the Covid-19 health crisis. Launching a vaccination campaign is now a must for all governments. The Moroccan government is no exception as it has prepared itself by anticipating the use of the Chinese vaccine, which it believes has honorable efficacy, as in the opinion of some Moroccan scientists, “very likely one of the most promising candidate vaccines.” Chinese vaccine is chronologically one of the most advanced.

It is even used in the Emirates and China. However, in the Western world, and more particularly in the United States and Europe, there is only talk of “Pfizer” and “Moderna” vaccines as future hopes, to the point that the stock exchanges have experienced spectacular twists. Bounce up, for the benefit of these private labs who only think about one thing: making a juicy profit with these future vaccines.

Which, thanks to this pandemic, sheds a little more light on the opaque and largely financialized nature of these “big pharmas”. Would the use of these latest vaccines, however, be an opportunity to highlight the epidemic under control? Nothing is less safe. What is certain is that we must prepare for the arrival of the vaccine and plan for the future, without making Moroccans lose their vigilance because we have not yet emerged from the Covid-19 health crisis. Furthermore, the latter does not stop, furthermore, by bringing his share of surprises with, every day, more and more positive cases and deaths.

The Moroccan authorities therefore have every interest in starting, right now, to build the framework for this future “unprecedented” vaccination campaign. They must also do everything to recommend access to vaccination as simple as possible, close to the target populations, and define the priority audiences: first-line health and socio-medical workers, people at risk of severe forms and professionals. ensure the maintenance of activities essential for the functioning of the country.

Which is no small feat. Of course, the strategy will have to evolve according to the doses available, in particular those from China, and the characteristics of the vaccines (efficacy by age group, safety, storage conditions, methods of administration, etc.). If ever health authorities deem it inappropriate, for some reason, to make vaccination compulsory, they must instead do everything to overcome the reluctance of Moroccans, because only some of them say they are ready to be vaccinated.

“It is important to build trust in vaccination as soon as possible before the arrival of vaccines and to maintain it throughout the campaign”, underline the experts in the field, who advocate transparency in the choice of public health, possibly the involvement of general practitioners and the strengthening surveillance for possible side effects once the vaccine is widely distributed

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