The top seven reasons why we stop exercising and how to avoid it


During our imprisonment, many of us started playing sports in our homes. In many cases, for the first time. At that time, the need to do something prompted us to move and exercise. However, once we begin to be able to live a little away from home, get back to work and interact with other people, we may notice that we don’t really want to train.

There are several reasons why we stop exercising and if we know them, it is easier for us to know how to stay motivated. Since we have adopted the habit, it is a good time to work on it and continue training.

You feel no motivation

Sometimes it’s hard to find motivation get off the couch and go to the gym or go for a run. The reality is that sitting on the couch watching a show, going out for a drink with friends, or just about any other activity that we switch to by going to exercise, gives us immediate satisfaction. On the other hand, with exercise we never know when the reward will start coming – or if it will come at all.

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One solution for this is to start by setting small aspirations and more achievable goals – for example, going two hours a week to the gym – and rewarding ourselves when we reach the goals – a massage, a new set of exercise clothes, etc. -. We will gradually increase the goals according to our new reality.

You start several times and leave it the same number of times

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How many times have you started going to the gym and ended up quitting after two weeks? I prefer not to count the times this has happened to me. What is clear is this something is happening so much so that many times we propose to go or exercise at home, we start and after two days we end up leaving it.

The reality is that a new habit takes time to become routine and requires effort on our part to get there.

A trick that I saw Gabriela Uriarte (@Gu_nutricion on instagram) – a well-known nutritionist – and that worked for me, is consider it as an extra obligation. Like going to work, going to university or doing the house. Which is not an optional, but a further obligation of our daily life.

It can help to make a calendar with our daily commitments and what time we will carry them out and each day mark the ones we met. Thus, at the end of the week, we can have a clear and objective view of what we have achieved.

You can’t have the money to pay for a gym

The reality is that, depending on our personal and economic situation, sometimes it is not possible to pay the gym fee. It is true that today, especially in large cities, low cost or flat gyms proliferate, which can be a good option, but not in all cities and towns there are. Also, it is not always possible to go to the gym right now. However, there are much cheaper solutions.

  • Go for a walk or a runA: It can serve us not only as an initiation into sports, but also as a way to relax and change the chip of the daily routine.
  • Join a team. There are several amateur sports teams that don’t require registration or join just for fun. It’s a good way to start playing sports in a fun way and meeting people without spending a lot of money.
  • Play sports at home: If we have discovered something in recent months is that thanks to the Internet we have countless alternatives to find exercises to do at home: from YouTube channels, to apps, to blogs. Here is a list of exercises you can do at home.

You see no changes in your body

The reality is, whatever you say, starting to see changes in your body can take time. It can take up to two months for you to start noticing physical results.

The body does not immediately change with bad habits, but it does progressively and the same happens with healthy habits.Our body needs time to adjust and start changingBut if we don’t give him that time he never will.

What we can do, in the meantime, is to focus less on the weight. The alternative options are to take pictures or measure ourselves. Progress will gradually be seen and we will be able to evaluate it objectively.

Further, we must also pay attention to non-physical changes: Do we feel more energetic? Are we lighter? Are our digestions less heavy? Do we sleep better? These are all signs that exercise and good nutrition are having a positive effect on you.

You don’t know how to practice

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I won’t lie to you, this has been my reality for a long time. I went to the gym and thought “what now?” Being a newbie to the gym can be difficult. To solve it, on the Internet you can find routines and tips for beginners. In Vitónica we left you a routine for beginners a few months ago that can help you with this.

Also, what worked best for me was putting my shame aside and ask my monitor.

Another option is, if you can afford it, hire a personal trainer. And, as a cheaper option, WhatsApp and Facebook groups are now in fashion where attendees can exchange ideas, guidelines, things they have learned, and even go together.

You don’t have enough time

It is true that sometimes it is very difficult to find the time, with our daily routine, to take our things and hit the gym for an hour or two. Luckily, You don’t need to do a two-hour routine to see results and lead a healthy life.

We leave you two routines, one of 15 minutes of Yoga and another of four minutes using your own body weight, which can help you start exercising in a very short time.

In these cases, for me who am disorganized, it works for me to make a daily schedule, with the time I dedicate to everything and the time I have available. This way, I can physically see my time and how and what I spend it for. It’s a good way to find dead spots that I can use to train.

There are no consequences if you let them

This is reality: if you leave it there are no consequences. Nobody will fire you, they won’t call you to scold you, nor will you have any other negative consequences.

A 2010 study found this The fact that a person received voice calls or audio reminding them that they should go for exercise made it easier for the person to go, and not only that, but it increased the person’s adherence to the exercise routine.

Do you run alone or in a group?  This is what you can find in a group of runners

Knowing this, we can use it to our advantage. One option is, once again, to hire a personal trainer who will call us when we are not attending his courses and with whom we will have a commitment that, if not fulfilled, will have consequences. If this is not in our financial possibilities, we can always embark a friend, our family or our partner in the world of exercise and help each other to motivate us and get a call from time to time if we have not trained in a long time.

The reality is that there are many reasons and many excuses for not exercising or for quitting and not coming back, but There are also many solutions and when we start to see results we will appreciate it. Next year we will not need any kind of bikini surgery, because a healthy routine will be our lifestyle.

This article was originally published by Iria Reguera in April 2018 and has been revised for republication.

Pictures | Unplash

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