The study warns: one egg a day increases the risk of developing diabetes


The study warns: one egg a day increases the risk of developing diabetes

The Citizen – Translated by: Menat Allah Ashraf

A new study has revealed that eating just one egg a day increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 60%.

Australian researchers who studied a sample of 8,545 Chinese adults found a positive correlation between high egg consumption and blood sugar levels, although many doctors claim to eat it because it’s a healthy fast food.

While previous studies indicated that eating eggs can prevent diabetes, this new research has indicated that regular consumption of one egg a day makes you more vulnerable to disease.

Study author Dr Ming Lee at the University of South Australia said poor diet is linked to type 2 diabetes, so you need to understand the range of dietary factors that can affect its incidence to avoid it.

One study warns that one egg per day increases the risk of developing diabetes 3

He continued: While the relationship between egg intake and diabetes is often questionable, this study aims to assess long-term egg consumption and diabetes risk.

The study analyzed health data of 8.5,000 people from the China Health and Nutrition Survey, an ongoing survey supported by the US government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that aims to examine the effects of health and nutrition policies in China. , between the age of 18 between 1991 and 2009.

Participants’ egg eating habits were recorded, while diabetes was diagnosed based on a fasting blood glucose test in 2009.

The team found that long-term egg consumption of more than 38 grams per day increased the risk of developing diabetes among Chinese adults by about 25 percent, but adults who ate more than 50 grams, or the equivalent of one egg a day, they had a significantly higher risk of developing diabetes. 60%.

One study warns that one egg a day increases the risk of developing diabetes 4

Women are more likely to be infected than men

The association was also more pronounced in women than in men, indicating that women are more likely to develop diabetes if they eat eggs regularly.

Dr. Lee said more research is needed to explore the relationship between eggs and diabetes, adding: This study is a step towards this long-term goal of understanding the factors that influence diabetes.

It is worth noting that last year, researchers in Finland found completely different results, concluding that eating one egg a day can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, however, they also recognize that they need more research.

Eggs contain 187 mg of cholesterol, and official guidelines recommend that people with diabetes have a daily cholesterol limit of 200 mg.

Eggs also contain a high percentage of protein, 7 grams per egg, which turns into glucose in the body if we eat a lot, and it also contains 0.5 grams of carbohydrates.

Costs associated with diabetes were reported to exceed $ 109 billion in China and at least $ 760 billion in healthcare spending in 2019 globally, or 10% of the global total spent on healthcare.

A study warns that one egg a day increases the risk of developing diabetes (2)

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