The study showed: mortality is double compared to kovid compared to influenza


The results of the study, published in the professional journal “Annals of the American Thoracic Society,” indicate that in patients admitted to hospital due to kovida-19, the mortality rate was double that of seriously ill people with the flu.

Kovid-19 is often compared to the flu because both respiratory infections have similar characteristics and can simply be described as a mild illness or severe respiratory failure, in some cases fatal.

But US scientists conducted a study that showed that among patients admitted to the intensive care unit due to kovid-19, the death rate was double that of critically ill people with the flu, in the report since 40% to 19%, regardless of the patient’s age. , gender, comorbidities and disease severity.

This is believed to be the first study conducted in the United States to directly compare the clinical features of the disease, laboratory findings, and health outcomes among patients with kovid-19 and influenza.

Lead author of the study, Dr. Natalie Cobb, a pulmonologist at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and her colleagues studied medical records of 65 critically ill patients with covid-19 and 74 with severe influenza type A or B who were admitted to the intensive care unit in Washington. between 1 January 2019 and 15 April 2020.

The study showed that in patients with kovida-19, the mortality rate was 40%, compared with 19% in patients with influenza.

The first group stayed longer in the intensive care unit, about nine days, than the critically ill with the flu, where that period lasted four days.

Also, the first group was more respirator-connected, these patients had poorer lung function and developed severe pneumonia more often than critically ill patients with influenza.

“The difference, which may explain the higher mortality, is in the higher incidence of ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) among critically ill patients with covid-19 compared to critically influenza patients, and the rate is 63% versus 26. %, “he said. Doctor Cobb.

“Because of all of the above, I encourage people to be vaccinated against the flu, to adhere to measures like keeping a physical distance and wearing masks so that we can all together limit the spread of kovid-19,” said Dr. Cobb.

Author: Hina

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