The study reveals the heart health benefits of sleeping long enough


An American study revealed that sufficient sleep duration provides protection for the heart and is important for longevity.

And the website of the company “Express” reports it, citing a study conducted by scientists from Tulane University in New Orleans, USA. That sleep duration is important to protect against heart failure.

And experts have found that people who enjoy healthy sleep are less likely to have heart disease.

They stated that the ideal sleep duration is 7 to 8 hours every night.

During the study, the scientists monitored 408,802 people between the ages of 37 and 73. 5,221 of them were diagnosed with heart failure.

It turned out they had trouble sleeping, with some insomnia. Others often wake up at night due to snoring and some sleep poorly.

Earlier, scientists from Guangzhou Medical University in China concluded that sleeping during the day for more than an hour is “fatal”.

The analysis showed that people who slept regularly for more than an hour during the day had a 34% increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease and a 30% increased risk of death. Compared to other causes of death.

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