the signs that should alert you


Suicide attacks, anxiety, somatization: the mental health of an increasing number of adolescents is deteriorating from Covid-19 and imprisonment, worries Rennes child psychiatry professor Sylvie Tordjman.

“In Rennes, compared to the same period in 2019, we welcome twice as many young patients in pediatric emergency (for children under 16, ed) for suicide crises, three times more for anxiety disorders with somatization (unexplained physical pain ) and four times more for anorexic disorders, “he explains.

“For us, this outbreak is related to containment. The data has remained stable in Rennes in recent months, compared to the same period in 2019, including October, ”says the professor.

The Haute Autorité de Santé recalls on its website that depression characterized by adolescence often goes unnoticed, particularly due to the confusion with “The crisis of adolescence”.
“This is the age group that has the least use of assistance during mental difficulties”, thus specifies the institution.

“The great difficulty is that the adolescent suffering from severe depression does not verbalize his sadness but indirectly manifests his pain through non-specific behaviors”, explains for Le Figaro Dr. Louis Tandonnet, child psychiatrist in Agen.

What are the signs that teenagers should alert?

On the side of emotions

> Symptoms that last

A depressed or irritable mood that lasts over time, every day for at least 2 weeks and the break with the previous state should alert.

> Anguish

The adolescent presents pervasive anxiety.

> Anger or hostility

The teenager is ” irritable, demanding, angry, hostile, aggressive, blames others, is hyper-reactive to frustration “: so many signs to take into consideration.


The teenager cannot give his qualities, he depreciates himself. Feels like nobody likes it.

Physical signs

> Decrease in activity

The adolescent has a decrease in activity, a lack of interest, difficulty concentrating, restlessness.

He can’t sit still, shake his hands … These signs are to be taken into consideration when they are intrusive and lasting.

> Physical pain

The boy complains of headache, abdominal pain ….

> Diet and sleep imbalance

Abnormal eating habits and long-lasting sleep disturbances are also suggestive, again according to the recommendations of the Alta Autorité de Santé.

> New academic difficulties

The young man changes school and relational functioning, he withdraws from school. According to Inserm, the new arrival of violent behavior or a school phobia in children or adolescents is a sign of depression.

> Investments in certain assets

Overinvestment of assets (Internet, social networks, online video games, sports, school) on the one hand and the cessation of free time on the other are evocative signs, such as isolation and self-absorption.

> New risky behaviors

Finally, the HAS mentions the appearance of risky behaviors that are contrary to the functioning of the young person. (Alcohol, drugs, risky sexual behavior …)

Who to contact

Once warned of these symptoms, discussing the topic with the teen is a first step to take. Because even if teens don’t spontaneously express their feelings, “On the other hand, they recognize them quite easily if an adult mediator comes to them”, HAS specification.

In this situation, consult a general practitioner first, then a child psychiatrist.

Help numbers:

• The thread of youth health

0800 235 236 (anonymous and free call from landline): listening, information and guidance for young people in the areas of physical, psychological and social health. Open 7 days a week from 8am to midnight.

• SOS friendship

Listen 24 hours a day – 7 days a week

09 72 39 40 50


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